Here we are. January 31st of 2019. This month felt both quick and long at the same time, but in terms of Boston Marathon Training, it was definitely quick. I feel like I just started running consistently again and all of a sudden I am five weeks into training.
This training cycle has been a slow build. I was hardly running in November and December, so I couldn’t just jump back into 30 mile weeks off the bat. I try to train smart. Having a coach helps with that. I eased in, I still prioritized strength and yoga, and I am finally feeling a little more in shape.
It’s easy to compare my training to where I was last year at this time. Or two years ago. But I have learned I need to practice patience and it doesn’t do me any good to compare past me to current me. I am confident I will get into the shape I need to be in to run a strong Boston this year. Trusting the process!
Here’s what my first fives weeks have looked like.
December 24th-December 30th:
December 31st-January 6th:
January 7th-January 13th:
January 14th-January 20th:
January 21st-January 27th:
Chicago winter has been challenging lately. I am not great on the treadmill and I have had to shift things around, but I’m embracing being flexible. Not much I can do about a polar vortex.
January was also a good month for me for a lot of non-running reasons. I gave up alcohol for 31 days. I focused on getting more sleep. I finally found an answer to my breathing problem after 3.5 months of appointments and tests. And I gave up coffee (which is something I never thought I would do). I feel better today than I have in months. I don’t plan to give up booze or coffee entirely from here on out, but I want to treat both categories as a “treat” kind of thing. I don’t need to have caffeine everyday and I don’t need to drink every weekend. Taking a step back from something let’s me really think about what it does for me and how I want to move forward. I know I am feeling better now than I was on December 31st. Little changes add up.
I’m happy with this start to the year and this start to my training. I have a good feeling about this one.
I wish I could be more like you and not care at all about running in round numbers. All those fractions of miles would drive me crazy haha.
I cut back on booze while in training, but I can’t cut back on coffee. Sleeping more would probably help. There’s not enough time in a day.
It’s good to hear your training is going well so far!