This group is here to remind you that the best part of running is actually what comes with it - the things we discover along the way, the people we meet on our routes, and the little joys of our time to be solo. 


what's included:


3 suggested runs per week

2 group calls per month with dale (+ guest activities)

weekly newsletter with reflection points


Access to the good effort membership could allow you to fall back in love with running, and connect with a running community from anywhere in the world.

The Good Effort Membership is your one stop shop for accountability and community for all phases of your running life. Whether you’re a new parent with time for a few runs a month, or an ex-marathoner who still loves to get miles in every day, all are welcome here. 


I really believe that running is for everyone, and it doesn’t have to include high mileage or speed workouts to find the joy in it. You can enjoy and celebrate the in-between moments: the run to your favorite coffee shop, the chat about the latest athlete memoir, and the amazing sunset you saw on Tuesday.

2x group calls a month.

Share the highs, the lows, the funny, the real.

One will be feature a running topic discussion with a chance for Q&A and community shares. 

One will feature an activity or a guest. Think a yoga class, a breath work session, a book club discussion, a nutrition expert chat, etc. 

You'll try some new things, meet new people, and maybe re-discover something you used to love to do. 

not ready but want to learn more?